Generate and Benchmark Property Values with Ease

See how this property valuation estimator tool is configured to your organization’s specific needs, helping you estimate values more accurately in the years between property appraisals.

The Perfect Complement to your Appraisal Program

Maintain accurate estimates of your replacement cost year-after-year with a custom valuation model that’s developed exclusively for your organization. The models are created by industry experts using multiple valuation resources and include the flexibility to adjust them based on a variety of property-specific modifiers. Use the models to benchmark your values or update your values in years without an onsite appraisal!

Increase Confidence in Values

Whether you’re worried about securing accurate insurance coverage, the increasing frequency and severity of natural disasters, or the rising costs of construction, being confident in your insurable values has never been more important. If concerns over property values are keeping you up at night, let the AMP Valuation Estimator help.

Valuation Support through a Software Application

The AMP Valuation Estimator combines decades of valuation expertise with extensive technological know-how to bring you a solution designed to streamline your workflows and help keep insurable values up-to-date.

With the AMP Valuation Estimator, users can:

  • Individually value select properties or value multiple properties at once
  • Trend values for multiple properties
  • Leverage Centurisk’s appraisal experts to assist with questions regarding property values and data elements
Turn Data into Action

Maintain accurate estimates of your replacement cost year-after-year with a custom valuation model developed exclusively for your organization. Our models are created by industry experts using multiple valuation resources and include a variety of property-specific modifiers.

Establish accurate, up-to-date Data

Our property insurance appraisal solutions include various levels of service to address 100% of your property values within a wide range of budgets. We help you gather data you can trust for insurance coverage you can rely on.

Ready to See More?

Schedule a demo to see how AMP can help you efficiently manage property exposures with values that are current and accurate

Mix-and-Match AMP Modules to Meet Your Unique Needs

Some of the resources and modifiers used include, but are not limited to, the following:

Valuation Resources
Direct costs, regional market analysis, producers price index, consumers price index, proprietary valuation resources

Base Value Modifiers
Zip code, occupancy, ISO construction class, condition

Optional Property Modifiers
Limited access site, LEED/green certification, lifeline facility, seismic/windstorm region, and more

Have Questions?

Get in touch with the Centurisk team today.

Case Study
State of North Dakota
For years, AMP has helped North Dakota Insurance Department (NDID) keep up with a growing property portfolio, leverage the power of a true partnership, and improve valuation data for its insured properties.
State Government

AMP Property Risk Management
Valuation Estimator
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