Reconcile asset records without the heavy lifting
By inventorying capital assets and tagging equipment with barcodes, Centurisk implements fixed asset systems to maintain proper stewardship of assets now and into the future.

Establish Accurate Fixed Asset Records
Whether it be for accounting compliance, loss control, or proper stewardship of assets, tracking and accounting for fixed assets can be a challenge. Centurisk has unparalleled capabilities and expertise to support entities in meeting the financial reporting requirements of GASB, OMB, GAAP, State standards, and external auditors.

Accurate Inventory Records
Up-to-Date Asset Valuations

Compliant Reporting
Asset Management Software

We recognize that your hard work helps enable your school district to provide quality education and experiences to all students. From Centurisk services for fixed asset management to the many solutions offered by our sister companies, we’re here to support you!
Interested in learning more about our fixed asset management solutions?
Learn how Centurisk can help you increase accuracy and efficiency with your fixed asset inventory.
Maintain and Account for Fixed Assets
Physical Inventory Services
Grant Funded Asset Management

“The AssetWorks AssetMaxx software that we gain access to through our partnership with Questar III BOCES makes tracking our assets a whole lot easier. Because it’s in one database, I can pull up basically anything I need: the financial reports to tie out the money, inventory reports… It’s not hard to use at all, and it makes life easier.”
Bobbie DeLong, SGCSDan, WCRP Executive Director
k12 School District
AssetWorks Asset Management Solutions

Interested in learning more about our capabilities and approach?