Securing RiskStar: A Layered Defense Strategy

Securing riskstar, a layered defense strategy

by Jason Sanderford, IT/Network Administrative Manager In today’s digital landscape, securing web applications is paramount to safeguarding data and ensuring customer trust. At the heart of our infrastructure is a comprehensive, multi-layered security approach designed to protect against a variety of threats. This blog post will explore the core security features of Centurisk’s risk management […]

Which Risk Management Superhero Are You?

Which risk management superhero are you?

In today’s business, risk lurks around every corner. Catastrophic weather conditions, economic flux, cyberthreats… All of them, villains born for bedlam! But in every organization, there are those brave heroes who protect and defend. These are the beacons of loss prevention…. The long ARMs that guard the landscape from loss exposure and harm. We turn […]

RiskStar’s Role in Your Risk Software Ecosystem

AMP's role in your risk software ecosystem

by Tyler Stuber, Director of Professional Services/Operations These days, risk management has evolved beyond merely preventing and reducing losses. It’s also about maximizing areas that are within the organization’s control and minimizing the areas outside of it. This growing enterprise risk management (ERM) perspective takes a holistic look at all functions of an organization, working […]