Securing RiskStar: A Layered Defense Strategy

by Jason Sanderford, IT/Network Administrative Manager In today’s digital landscape, securing web applications is paramount to safeguarding data and ensuring customer trust. At the heart of our infrastructure is a comprehensive, multi-layered security approach designed to protect against a variety of threats. This blog post will explore the core security features of Centurisk’s risk management […]
5 Reasons Your Risk Pool Needs RiskStar

Navigate a New Era of Risk Management with Confidence! As the insurance landscape continues to shift, risk pool and state risk managers find themselves under growing pressure. You’re tackling challenges like rising property valuations, the management of increasingly complex data, social inflation and nuclear verdicts. All while working hard to ensure accurate underwriting and support […]
5 Ways Risk Management Software Can Help Your University

University risk management departments are all about the details. Whether it’s dealing with insurance incidents and claims, Workers’ compensation, property insurance and loss, or vehicle management, it’s the university’s goal to harness those details to analyze, mitigate, and monitor risk. And that’s where the right risk management software can be a game-changer. A strong risk […]
How Vehicle Management Software Revs Up Your Property Program

Buildings… property-in-the-open… It’s a lot to track and manage for insurance purposes. But having the right data on your insurance Statement of Values (SOV) can make a big difference in the size of your insurance policy — and your ratings! But there’s another type of property that, for some organizations, can be equally important to […]
Property Risk Management Software: Where Do the Maintenance Dollars Go?

by Patrick Whitney, Customer Care Manager Whether you use Centurisk’s RiskStar software for property risk management or you’ve purchased another system, you may have noticed a line in your SAAS agreement called “maintenance.” With RiskStar, maintenance is included in your software package as a service. But you may have wondered: what does “maintenance” really mean? […]
How State Governments, Risk Pools & Schools Benefit from Data Risk Management

When you’re managing property data to mitigate risk, it seems like there’s always something new to learn, gather and document. Between Statement of Values (SOV) submissions, catastrophe modeling and now convective storm modeling, the sheer amount of details to track, in order to ensure thorough insurance coverage and the best possible rates are monumental– and […]