How RiskStar’s Configurability Supports Better Member Adoption

how the configurability of riskstar risk pooling software supports members

by Patrick Whitney, Customer Care Manager When risk pools and states consider investing in risk management software for both their organization and their members, one concern is how successfully the software will be adopted. The right software package should adapt to organizational needs, make daily workflow tasks easier and more streamlined, and add value to […]

5 Reasons Your Risk Pool Needs RiskStar

5 reasons your risk pool needs RiskStar risk management software

Navigate a New Era of Risk Management with Confidence! As the insurance landscape continues to shift, risk pool and state risk managers find themselves under growing pressure. You’re tackling challenges like rising property valuations, the management of increasingly complex data, social inflation and nuclear verdicts. All while working hard to ensure accurate underwriting and support […]

10 Insights Risk Pools Can Gain Through Centurisk Software

How Centurisk risk management software for risk pools helps data driven insights

by Tyler Stuber, Director of Professional Services/Operations  The risk pool world revolves around data… Data about risk pool members, their property and its tracking, seismic and wind zones, fire resistance, catastrophe modeling, and so much more.  Collecting and maintaining these data details in an efficient, thorough way becomes the key to better proactive risk assessment, […]